fuel clamps

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Posts: 364
Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:50 pm
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fuel clamps

Post by rodo »

Deep in the throes of my 1981. Good times. Going through hoses and lines.

I have read up on the tiny clamps for the injectors (which I use in place of the caps) and get that they need to be the protected, better type so they do not chew through the hose. What about in other places, like where the fuel lines from the fuel tank attach to the metal lines that run inside. As critical or no?

How does anyone restore a FIAT without this site???? So many weird twists and turns with our cars. Trying to get the timing belt on I wrestle for an hour with the bizarre and tightly fitted tensioner. Managed to have the screwdriver I was using to pry it back flip loose and bloody my head. How many other cars have ever done that to me???
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Re: fuel clamps

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

rodo wrote:How does anyone restore a FIAT without this site????
Well, I had to practice on 17 Fiats before I finally got it right for #18... 8)

As for hose clamps, some are better designed than others, but the worm-screw/band clamp types are usually fine for low pressure applications like you mentioned on the fuel and vapor lines to the gas tank. Make sure you get the right size, as a too-small or too-large clamp is more likely to have an issue. Also make sure you orient the clamp so that 1) you can easily tighten the screw, and 2) the screw won't rub against something else over time.

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