How to re-install the shifter extension?

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How to re-install the shifter extension?

Post by 70spider »

How the heck is it done? I have tried just about every approach I can think of. I have used 13mm wrenches under the plastic thingy, a board placed under it and hammered it, taking a large zip tie and compressing the arms of the plastic thingy with no luck. I have spent an amazing 4 hours over 3 days at it. Is there any secret to getting it back on? If it doesn't work I will have to buy a short shifter or drill a hole in mine and set it with a bolt.
Any help please.
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Re: How to re-install the shifter extension?

Post by DogRocker »

I've used long, narrow nosed vice grips. The jaws fit into a groove on the shaft and under the plastic locking bushing when pushed upward. Once locked upward I gently try to shove the bushing "fans" under the shifter tube and push down on the top of the shifter. It's still a PITA.
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Re: How to re-install the shifter extension?

Post by RRoller123 »

I ended up having to bang the hell out of it with a rubber hammer, not sophisticated, but it did the job. Terrible design, absolutely awful.
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Re: How to re-install the shifter extension?

Post by dinghyguy »

install all the bits inside the chrome handle in the right order.....
tap the parts gently to make sure all the parts are fully up inside the handle.
put the entire assembly over the rod sticking out of the tranny,
put a piece of wood on top of the shfter handle and hit briskly with a hammer
3 blows seems to be adequate, you can hear the click as it seats and tell it is correct because you cant pull it off.

take about 3 minutes to do, much easier than removal!

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Re: How to re-install the shifter extension?

Post by 70spider »

Thanks for the suggestions.
install all the bits inside the chrome handle in the right order.....
I have not tried this, I will tonight and post an update. Thanks again.
1970 Fiat Spider 124 Sport aka "Pesto"
2002 Mazda Protege5
2013 Buddy 170i
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