This comes to my point. I noticed that my pass side rear caliper looked like it was leaking. I took it to my step dad's, cause I can't work on my car here at my apts... I thought it might be just something I hadn't tightened adequately the last time I was in there. No such luck. The fluid seemed to be coming from the E-brake boot. I took it off the car and partially disassembled it. I had my manual with me. However I read on another post where you have to have the piston at a certain position or it won't bleed correctly. That wasn't in my book... And my book said nothing about screwing the piston in and out. Again, not in my book... I did try to turn it only to break my thick file 3 times, it moved but just barely, and with great effort!!! (I'm 6'2" 220 lbs) and I couldn't tell it was coming in or going out any. I am guessing it should turn easily? I took the screw out and the O-ring on the shaft seemed to be ok. There was a little gunk in there. I tried to clean it up and put it back together, bled both sides again, and the brakes are about the same as they were. I think the leak is still there. It's a slow leak....
Oh and I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to correctly get the E-brake lever/pin? back correctly meshing with the screw shaft.. ugh yet again, not in my manual.... and my stepdad thinks computers are evil so he doesn't have on, so I am blind over there. Is this caliper shot? It sounds like it to me. Is the leak likely to get much worse? I do not have any funds at the moment to spend on my car, yea I know I suck. Sorry about the NOVELLA but these brake issues suck. Not a great was to spend 5 hours on Halloween! I got tricked!! heheh oooh I am sore! gonna go rest before it's partytime!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

And thanks...