Hose clamp help

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Hose clamp help

Post by Zoofly »

I need to clean or possibly replace the Fuel Vapor Check Valve but ran into a little snag. Can anyone tell me how the hose clamps loosen. I haven't seen one this old (probably the originals) and I don't want to get too aggressive trying to get the clamps off. As you probably surmised, I'm not too mechanically inclined. This was a simple project to take on until the clamps stumped me.

ImageIMG_3151 by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/147567837@N04/]
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Re: Hose clamp help

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

They're called Oetiker clamps, also known as ear clamps, and they are "one-time-use-only". If you have a heavy duty set of wire cutters, like a lineman's pliers or "end nippers", you can cut off the "ear" that sticks out. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRPJdFKMFek

Use care, as you don't want to snap off the inlet/outlet of that check valve. To reinstall, you can either buy new Oetiker clamps and the tool or just use a standard worm thread hose clamp.

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Re: Hose clamp help

Post by Zoofly »

Much appreciated. Especially the video. Learned something new today!
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