New Calipers, Duds?

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by tima01864 »

The one new one I took apart was ) (( ))

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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by RRoller123 »

Could you restack them correctly and have the problem resolve?
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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

tima01864 wrote:The one new one I took apart was ) (( ))
No flat washer? Sometimes these are stuck in grease in the bottom of the well in the caliper, and you don't even notice that it is there. You have to pry around with a small screwdriver or pick or the like to get it out.

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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by tima01864 »

there were 5 bellevilles so guessing no flat washer, I could take the calipers off, Stack them correctly and put them back on and hope for the best, But I dont want to. One other thing that occured to me, Could there be an air pocket behind the piston where the nut assy. is? Okay Bryan just took it apart to search for the flat washer, I was wrong on my count 6 Bellville washers.
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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by tima01864 »

I just paid for two rebuilt calipers from Spiderparts. If they do not hold the ebrake, ............ I really dont have the time to mess around with the calipers on the car. Maybe later in my free time
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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

tima01864 wrote:Could there be an air pocket behind the piston where the nut assy. is?
Yes, there certainly could be, but this would affect the hydraulic (brake pedal) system for your brakes, not the mechanical operation of the emergency brake. The face of the pistons for the rear calipers (where it touches the brake pad) has a little scribe mark on one side of the slot in the middle of the face. That piston should be installed with that scribe mark on the upper portion of the piston face, and I believe part of the reason has to do with removing air pockets when bleeding. By the way, that slot in the middle of the piston face should be horizontal, when correctly installed.
tima01864 wrote:Okay Bryan just took it apart to search for the flat washer, I was wrong on my count 6 Bellville washers.
6 Belleville (cupped) washers, or 5 Bellevilles and 1 flat washer? It should be the latter.

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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by tima01864 »

6 cupped washers.

That explains why the scribed mark is on top. Thanks
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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by DieselSpider »

tima01864 wrote:there were 5 bellevilles so guessing no flat washer, I could take the calipers off, Stack them correctly and put them back on and hope for the best, But I dont want to. One other thing that occured to me, Could there be an air pocket behind the piston where the nut assy. is? Okay Bryan just took it apart to search for the flat washer, I was wrong on my count 6 Bellville washers.
Without the flat washer the Belville will cut into the aluminum and bind so that it not longer acts like a spring and will likely make the ebrake less effective especially with the Belvilles doubled up putting twice as much pressure on the actuator to begin with.

Perhaps they used thinner Belvilles with half the spring rate of the originals however they still needed the flat steel washer to prevent the body of the aluminum caliper from getting worn down.

Its really great when even manufacturers don't really understand what they are making and how to put them together correctly. Perhaps they don't believe that automotive braking systems are that important.
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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by tima01864 »

On the other hand the vendor or reseller should take one or two out of the lot for inspection. Curved washers 0.030 thick 1/32"
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Re: New Calipers, Duds?

Post by DieselSpider »

tima01864 wrote:On the other hand the vendor or reseller should take one or two out of the lot for inspection. Curved washers 0.030 thick 1/32"
Depending on the grade and material 0.030 could be over 1,000 Newtons or about 225 lbs so doubled you could be looking at 450lbs of pull to overcome them before the parking brake will begin to apply.

The Fastenal Catalog can give you an idea of how Bellvilles spec out. ... =bellevill
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