I have a '79 spider with stock "everything" under the hood, I've made the [relatively easy] decision to do some upgrades.. I've been searching for a 34 ADF carb (but may settle for the 32/36 DFEV if I cant find one for a *reasonable* price), and have a lead on an intake manifold. At this time, I'm probably not going to swap the exhaust out quite yet due to budget (probably next year), as I have a few other things to address with the car. I'm also going to yank all the emissions [except the cat, as I dont have anything to replace it with] as well. After reading a ton of message threads, I'm wondering if someone's got a fairly detailed, step-by-step procedure for doing the carb/manifold swap for ether the ADF or the DFEV that would include all the little things I've been catching here and there that I'm not entirely positive of whether some changes are required or not - e.g. What ports (on where) to plug, what ports to keep, things to re-route, brackets, linkage, gaskets, etc needed (e.g. I saw one thread about having to change to a different mount for the dipstick tube when bolting on the 1800 intake?)
If anyone's got this written down, or if folks could contribute to even a quick ordered list of things to do, let me know. I've seen a ton of people on this board looking to do the similar conversion, and I think it would help if a doc exists for future n00b's like me
