But, I am leaving the crappy yellow, melted, warped, etc timing cover off. Problem. How do I set timing without the timing marks on the plastic cover. I don,t want to take everything off again after timing done. What a pain in the first place.

I do not have any other reference marks for timing at TDC, 5BTDC and 10BTDC. Is there a plate somewhere I can buy and bolt onto engine with markings? Or is there a timing light that will allow me to make settings without marks for pulley white mark to align to? This photo was taken slightly beneath so holes look slightly out of line but it is just the angle.

Probably a better view. Excuse the unfinished paint scheme.

This shows a little better the alighnment. You can barely see white mark on crank pulley at bottom on upper right of pulley.
The accessory pulley is as close as I can judge to the proper alignment and you can see the cam marks which I hope are close.

So any ideas on timing lights. The distributor with dual points has not been moved.
