Okay, I just got my website setup finally.
It's at pertyfly.com. I just set it up today, so it's going to be under construction for a very long time due to my car right now. However, all of my car's pics are at http://www.pertyfly.com/gallery
If you check under the 78 fiat link, there are probably about 200 pics so far. I will definitely keep that updated everytime I upload my cam pics to the computer (which is regularly due to the work I'm doing).
Anyway, back to my questions. I have been tearing my engine down, and on closer inspection it doesn't seem to be as good as it ran

I only checked a few things, as I wanted to check a few different parts for an idea, but of course I will get all specs later.
I'll list some tolerances that I've found so far:
Cyl #2:
Ring 1 (comp) - 0.035"
Ring 2 - 0.032"
Valve tappet to cam clearance:
Cyl 1: In - 0.019", Ex - 0.022"
Cyl 2: In - 0.018", Ex - 0.021"
Cyl 3: In - 0.022", Ex - 0.018"
Cyl 4: In - 0.021", Ex - 0.019"
I see that intakes are supposed to be 0.017", and exhaust 0.019", so they are definitely off. Yet there is no visible wear on the shims.
As for the cylinders, there is a ridge. I have no way of measuring the bore, but I know that to me it doesn't look that good. Obvious to see from the ring end gap. The engine is very clean inside, however. It's as if people took good care of the car, but it's just worn and never been rebuilt. I believe it has 99,000Km on it, so I think it's the original engine with no work done. There are no scores or any abnormal damage to the cylinders or any part of the engine.
Anyway, at this point I know I need all of the measurements, etc. My question is, how much can the cylinder be opened up before you can no longer put large rings with the same piston? I'm wondering if I need to get larger pistons. And when I think about getting pistons, for the price difference I don't see why I shouldn't just get some high compression ones and build it up moderately. The piston prices are not that different.
So, I would really like those answered, and also if I were to increase the power in it somewhat while keeping cost in mind, what would one do for starters? I would love to have more power, but don't want to spend much more this year. A body job and part interior is not cheap all at once. And if there are suggestions about this, could you guess-timate cost?
I.e. - what if I were to put high comp. pistons in with reground mains and big ends (these are needed, I believe) and leave the top end stock? Does this work or cause problems? Or what if I put cams in as well but keep carb, intake, exh. the same, etc? I don't know what works, and what doesn't

Thanks all. I hope I get lots of good information!