IMG_1336 by JScottM, on Flickr

P1010122 by JScottM, on Flickr

IMG_1348 by JScottM, on Flickr

IMG_1371 by

IMG_1414 by JScottM, on FlickrJScottM, on Flickr
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[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/12662916@N04/7153865211/]IMG_5036[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/12662916@N04/]razooli55[/url], on Flickr
Keith, I know you'll be shocked, but I agree with you!majicwrench wrote:Why replace it??
Cylinders can rust just from sitting, if that intake or exhaust valve was open and engine outside. Or, plug not quite tight, water pooled around plug and dripped in.
Looks like an old engine inside. Clean it up, check it out, hopefully just some rings and beargings to get er going.
Nothing wrong with the 1438.