Interesting find

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Interesting find

Post by geospider »

Ok guys
While replacing the inner shift boot (and the old was torn up), found that this is not lined up so great. Seen this before?
cant say that the engine, trans and driveline aren't lined up. And is drives great.
Now that a new boot is in place, shifting through 1-2 is a bit binding, clearly jamming the rubber boot into the side of the opening.
Anyone seen this? drunk italian worker?


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manoa matt
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Re: Interesting find

Post by manoa matt »

Check the rear trans mount. IIRC it's offset to one side and potentially installed reversed.
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Re: Interesting find

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

At least on my cars, the crossmember for the rear transmission mount also has a hump in it to allow for the exhaust pipe to pass under it without hitting. That hump should be on the passenger side of course (where the exhaust pipe is).

And yes, I vaguely recall for my cars that the top of the transmission didn't always look centered in the opening such as you have shown. All the cars seemed to run fine. I didn't have any binding problems with the gears towards the outside (1st, 2nd, 5th, reverse) so perhaps your misalignment is more pronounced.

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Re: Interesting find

Post by geospider »

Well, there is a longer and shorter side.
one side has a steeper angle.
I will check it. I do have new drive line rebuild kit to install: while I'm there...

the worst part is that you can not take the crossmember off and turn it without taking that and the trans mount out. I remember the top trans mount bolt being hard to get to.

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Re: Interesting find

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

geospider wrote:I remember the top trans mount bolt being hard to get to.
Yes, it is, but it helps if you can rotate the front yoke/donut by hand as you get to this nut. Transmission in neutral, and at least one rear wheel off the ground. Make sure the car can't roll around of course.

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Re: Interesting find

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

Geo, there's something else I just thought of. The metal/wooden cover plates that fit into the center console for the shifter have the hole offset slightly to the right (at least on my cars). Since your transmission appears shifted left relative to the transmission tunnel opening, I'm guessing that the rear transmission mount is indeed backwards. If that is the case, note that you might have to slightly loosen the 2 front engine mounts to get things shifted around, and then retighten.

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