I just finally got my 77 Spider on the road after 6 years. It seems to run okay, with minor gliches which I intend to remedy as the weeks go by. My main issue right now is with an intermittent Electrical Issue..I'll try and describe it to the best of my ability-----
1) When first started, car runs good, but normal cold running issue--hard to idle.
2) Tach does not work.
3) Radio Works fine.
4) After running a while, the radio begins to distort and pop, tach moves all over the place, dash lights blink. If I'm not careful, engine will die at a stop.
5) A couple times I lost all power to the dash and engine quit. The starter would crank, but no ignition power--Dash lights came back on after engaging starter in gear with clutch out.
Any ideas as to what I'm dealing with? I'm thinking it is loose wires somewhere, but I cant find any loose. Also, the radio has a lot of "noise" which made me think of a possible condensor bad..
Thanks for your input.....