Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by ORFORD2004 »

I don't see the need for timing marks on the pulley. For timing my cams i have to find the lobe center of the cam and be shure that the crank was at 110 degrees. you need a dial indicator and a degree Wheel for that job.

The way i did it is you find the real TDC. The way to do it is to use the infamous screwdriver method to find TDC.
Then you install your degree wheel on the flywheel and put a piece of wire attach to the engine to 0 degree.

Next is to put the dial indicator in the plug hole. Not much of steel in that area for my magnetic base so i made a steel bracket that use the valve cover bolts to old steady. So you install your dial indicator so you have some pressure on the dial. Set to 0 and turn the crank clockwwise. When you read let's say .002, note the number on the degree Wheel. Continue turning and when you are .002 before the 0 you set, note the number on the degree Wheel. For example if you read 355 and 3. You have to move your pointer 1 degree up to 4 so the reading will be 356 and 4. Equal from the zero. From now the pointer or the degree wheel can't move. Retest to be shure. Now you have your true TDC.

Now you have to find the lobe center of the cam. For that you have to install the dial indicator 90 degrees from the valve tappet and clear the lobe rotation. The trick i found, sorry for the purist was to use electric tape and a piece of steel wire at the end of my dial indicator because my needle was to big to fit on the side of the cam and clearing the lobe. When there is full pressure to the tappet, you install your dial indicator whit some pressure on it. Set to 0 and turn the crank clockwise. when the valve start closing let's say .002, note the number on the degree Wheel. Continue turning and when the valve is .002 before the 0 you set, note the number on the degree Wheel. For example if you read 84 and 134, you take 134-84=50/2=25. So 25+84=109. Your lobe center is at 109 degree and you want 110. If you move to 85 you will read 135 also. So 135-85=50/2=25. So 85+25=110. So you set your degree wheel to 85 degree and using the adjustable pulley turn back the dial indicator to .002 when the crank is at 85 degree. Retest and you should read 85 and 135. Now your lobe center is at 110 degree.
Same thing for the other side.

That's the way i did it.
And i hope my England is not to bad. :mrgreen:
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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by spiderrey »

You were doing very well till you said,( my england). It should be my english.
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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by ORFORD2004 »

So my England is not so weld :D
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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by spiderrey »

Its the best man. :)

Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by Daniel »

ORFORD2004 wrote:So my England is not so weld :D
Your England was fantastic! :lol: Not Weld att Alls...

You did a great job of explaining timing cams but having the marks on the wheels can make things a lot easier
all though not as precise if the marks, belt or crank pulley marks are off even just a tad. The other thing that
is of some concern the belt play. Just my 2 cents and my england I hope was fine? I'm sure all of the U.K. is
pisted off at me now... :|
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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by fiatmike124 »

Just an FYI. I noticed that VAS now sells aluminum adjustable cam sprockets and also fixed aluminum cam sprockets and aluminum water pump pulleys, . At the moment they are taking pre-orders.
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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by Daniel »

what are you their spokes person or something lol? how much they paying you to say this? :lol:
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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by fiat218 »

I sent Jason another message, 4 months since I ordered from him,
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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by SoFlaFiat »

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Re: Alternative for millers mule cam wheels.

Post by fiat218 »

Can't wait to get them. Or a refund,
I wan send him a nice thank you note after I get them :D
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