this is what I am trying to use to get the shaft you can see there are two small tweeker screwdrivers between the plastic sleeve and the outer shaft....I had 3 but one broke off and is stuck there till I get it off. I even tied rigging up some sort of slide hammer to yank it off...all with no luck. Next I will try to pull the plastic down with something. I hope this is the correct method.
As I am working on getting this off, I notice that the shifter is really loose in the this normal or should it be a stiff shift?
Sorry to hijack the thread. Picture is linked to the original.
Move the tabs toward the center and pull down so that plastic piece comes out. Or push toward the center and pull the shaft up. If you're pushing the plastic up you're going the wrong way and jamming everything tighter. If I'm reading what you wrote wrong then ignore me!
1974 Fiat 124 Spider
2006 Corvette
1981 Spider 2000 (sold 2013 - never should have sold that car)
I am trying to push the screwdrivers between the plastic piece and the other upper part. Hopefully pushing the plastic fingers towards the center (against the lower shaft).
I finally got it....the swearing came after the plastic piece fell out when I pushed down on one of the grooves in the plastic holder. With light pressure it fell right out. I was so pissed how easy it fell out I actually threw the shaft across the garage. Then had to go and find it (I keep all the original parts that I take off). Well, that will never go back least not while I own it.
Now to figure out a device to re-mount the shifter ball back on the short shaft.
What other options are there besides Marks short shifter kit?
Okay, next step now....I am trying to remove the inner boot from the lower shifter and it seems that the boot is secured to something else. The reason for taking it apart is because my shifter is very loose and would like ot tighen it up while I have it partially apart.
The lower boot is in good condition and am trying not to destroy it.
The stock method of retaining the shifter boot is a soft metal ring that expands into the inside diameter of the bottom of the boot to clamp it into the console trim. The easiest piece to damage in this process is the aft edge of your console of the console trim piece. Lift out your ashtray and loo at the back corners of the trim piece with a flashlight. You will see a nylon grommet retainer at each aft corner that has studs passing thru. Now, if your are like mine, they are going to be a hairy beeeyatch to pop out of the nylon retainers. Spray a little LPS, Tri-Flow or WD40 onto those studs and nylon grommets and let it sit for a little while before you try to pop the aft edge up. Once the aft edge is up you can slide the console trim aft to lift it and the boot off the top of the console.
Have fun
sounds like you are past the upper shifter and on the lower boot. I just replaced all this on my 78 and my inner boot was holy and not worth saving. If you unscrew the plate and lift if up and out of the way, being careful of the wires that feed through the front grommet, you will have better access to the inner boot and I think a better chance of removing it without damage. If you just rip it through the hole, it will likely get damaged.
So when the plate is unscrewed and tilted over to the right, you will have a better view and opening to remove. Mine felt secured but it was not, it was just snugged on to the square mounting piece on the tranny pretty tightly. Try reaching under the corners and prying it up.
This is the main component that seals you from tranny noise and smell and it is readily available from autoricambi. If yours has any holes or rips or is not seating tightly in that square, replacing it will make a noticeable difference in sound and will keep stinky stuff out.
oops, doing it the way I just said requires removing the console- actually pretty simple, but watch for the fan wires and fiber optics as the console lifts up and out of the way.
I took mine off and lathe turned a new knob. I like the way it looks, but it does have a different feel when shifting. That being said I still like it.