All cars have a oil stickylbill wrote:As far as oil amount, I actually accidently went over the MAX line about a 1/8" of an inch, but didn't think that should be a concern. What do you guys think? I'm going to try again today. I don't know what I was thinking before, but I don't have an oil gauge, just the idiot light. At one time I was going to switch out the clock for a gauge, but re-did the clock instead. I'm nervous about running it too long and causing damage. Suggestions on my next step if the light still doesn't go out is appreciated. Its been sitting overnight. Is this more concern when cranking it over now? ThanksTX82FIAT wrote:Agree it should not take more than 15 seconds. However, I would give if a few more seconds. Realize I'm not saying to run the car for a minute. You know a good volume of oil has just flowed down from the head . All this is assuming the right amount of oil was put in the car.
Look at it