Bulb Question
Bulb Question
There is a bulb socket under my dash near the steering colum. Any one know what type of bulb goes there.
Re: Bulb Question
alvon has that question covered in a previous, but recent post.
it is a special little hand held light that only he has...
it is a special little hand held light that only he has...
Re: Bulb Question
amsiegel, read this
http://www.fiatspider.com/f08/viewtopic ... ght+socket
It's not actually a bulb socket it's for some kind of test light.
http://www.fiatspider.com/f08/viewtopic ... ght+socket
It's not actually a bulb socket it's for some kind of test light.
Re: Bulb Question
Like Mike said there is only one still available and Alvon has it. So dont even think about trying to find one 

Re: Bulb Question
Thanks for the info
Its a weird place to plug in an inspection light. You need a light just to find the outlet.
Its a weird place to plug in an inspection light. You need a light just to find the outlet.