I have a 1982 that sat for a few years, been off and on trying to get it ready to run, I have been thru many diagnostics on the "dual relay" fuel pump, took it out drained gas tank, old stale gas removed, and cleaned out the pump, pump will run if jumped with 12 volts, put that back in.. replaced the ICU, what I do not get is, the fuel pump to operate, flap opened, i can hear the relay click, I get spark and she will run if you give her some gas in to the throttle body, put the intake back on, she will run out the gas and sounds great, but my injectors are not firing, the fuel pump wont run on the cars system, ive checked the grounds, checked the inline fuses, under the dash, the 6x6 by 2 inch or so box... ECU, opened the cover, and being a "computer" of sorts, it has the smell of one, but a hint of burnt electricts, smells like and old radio repair shop, anyway, I could be wrong but I feel this is my problem, How can I get this checked, or how could I find another, without loosing my arm and leg?? I also have an 82 x/19 fi that I could steal parts from, but for the life of me I cant find it on the x/19 if there is even one on it.
Thanks in advance, I know you guys have nothing better to do than help me
