Car has been working great with the new DFEV carb I put in with the great advice from the forum,especially mbouse's email to email help. New problem it seems maybe with the pump or maybe not... last friday afternoon when started the car to leave my college parking lot it started fine and idled while warming up, but it cut out on me when I was going in reverse to leave my parking spot. I eventually got home and noticed that the spark plug well closest to the radiator in the engine was covered in about an inch of oil, showed it to my dad who has limited mechanic skills like me, I told him we should suck it out with a turkey baster but I just realized that he pulled the spark plug out and it all went in. He must of thought it was gasoline.

. So, how bad will this f*** the engine up? I really just thought about this now as I was typing this.

It was running fine for about a week after I think engine oil went into the cylinder, so maybe that's not the problem.
But the fuel pump is also a concern because it usually makes a humming sound that I can hear pretty good now it's not very easy to hear. Going to put a new fuel filter in tomorrow because I don't know when the PO put one in and I had the car since summer 2008 but didn't start driving it into summer 2009. What's the best way to see if the electric pump is faulty. I cleaned the gound and changed the fuse. Tried yesterday and today but can't get the car to stay on.
Thanks for any suggestions.