Of course, I already know a number of you from FLU and I look forward to getting to know everyone else. My FLU friends will recognize my screen name – “kilrwail†– which is the nickname and vanity plate on my 1977 Porsche 911, derived from both its engine note and the whale tail spoiler. I have never named my Spider, but it is still my favourite on a twisty road in a sunny, cool evening with the top down. The car is essentially bone stock, with the exception of a modern stereo and twin speakers where the back seat was originally located. I confess to having taken my two older boys for rides in that seat when they were very young in the ‘80’s and they loved it. The oldest son took the car on his honeymoon in 2002 and I still have two more boys to send off in the same fashion.
Many of you are tackling jobs on your cars that I’ve never had to do, but I will help with other questions if I can. And I may ask for help from time to time. If you ever want to know what a stock ’78 looks like in a particular area, just ask away. Here’s a sample picture – there are several more in the same Photobucket album.

http://s229.photobucket.com/albums/ee23 ... ydon01.jpg