Carburetor air filter replacement?

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Carburetor air filter replacement?

Post by Topless »

My fiat came with a "Meaner Cleaner" carb air filter from Bayless. The filter part itself is dirty and could stand being replaced. However, they are all sold out of replacement filters and have not returned my contact. What's a guy to do? Are there third party replacements for these things? Do I run it through the dishwasher? Will I have to remove and replace the entire filter box with another type? Sorry it's such a basic question, but I'm new to cars and not sure what to do! Thanks :=) ... m-new.aspx
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Re: Carburetor air filter replacement?

Post by SteinOnkel »

It's a legitimate question.

Is the filter material paper? If the answer is yes, you can only replace it with a new unit. If it is cotton (like K&N filters for example) they can be cleaned. K&N (and others surely) make a cleaning solution.
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Re: Carburetor air filter replacement?

Post by aj81spider »

The air filters are available other places. That's a less common size, so I couldn't find it on Amazon. However Google provided some results, including this one:

1974 Fiat 124 Spider
2006 Corvette
1981 Spider 2000 (sold 2013 - never should have sold that car)
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