Output shaft play?

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Output shaft play?

Post by rug »

I had some bearing noise in my tranny and it also fell out of 4th every now and then so I took it apart 8)

2 month later I have all the parts I need and today I started putting this thing back together. Everything is going ok but I am a bit worried about having 2-3mm play pulling/pushing on the output shaft. I do not remember how much play was in this thing when I took it apart.. I am hoping this is normal at this stage and that the yolk will tighten things down. I do not have any extra parts left on my bench :roll:

Is this play normal at this stage?

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Re: Output shaft play?

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

Gosh Rug, it's been a while since I've had my transmission apart, but I think you are right about the yoke on the end tightening things up. I seem to recall that tightening that nut pulls the mainshaft into the right position. Try putting the yoke on, with the nut just slightly tight, and then look down into the transmission as you've shown in the picture and make sure the gears of the mainshaft (the one at the bottom when the transmission is upside down) and the gears on the layshaft (the other one) are in line with each other. You can also shift the gears around by hand and make sure everything is lining up.

Tighten up the yoke nut, put it back together, and I'm guessing you're good.

Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:53 am
Your car is a: 1971 sport coupe

Re: Output shaft play?

Post by rug »

Simple fix, nothing wrong!
Tightening down the yoke took care of the play in the output shaft. Everything feels good and tight now.


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