Speedo cable

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Speedo cable

Post by geospider »

Not sure the attachment to the back of the gauge was meant to need a hose clamp.
No wonder it didn't go back together after doing the new dash.


I have a new one. I will grease the cable in the housing prior to putting back together.
getting it out and I am sure back in will be a PITA, wrapping it around the brake booster.
Question: there is a collar on one end of the cable; is that on trans end or the gauge end?
It kinda slipped out on me and not sure which way it should go back.


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Re: Speedo cable

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

Hmmm.... No, hose clamps are usually not required. I can't remember exactly how the speedometer cable ends look, but I have a spare one so I looked at that just now. The ends look the same to me, with a flange and a knurled nut over it that would either attach to the back of the speedometer or to the drive housing on the transmission.

I'm not sure how much help I'm offering here....

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Re: Speedo cable

Post by RRoller123 »

On my 80, just changed it last week, it snaps into the back of the gauge and twist locks, I bet that hose clamp was a PO repair, probably for broken snap clips when it was pulled straight off?
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Re: Speedo cable

Post by RRoller123 »

why did my response post twice....
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Re: Speedo cable

Post by aj81spider »

There are two types of speedometer cables. I'm guessing the hose clamp was because he bought the wrong one.

Check the back of your speedometer. The cable you have is the screw on kind. The other kind I'm less familiar with (my car is screw on), but I think it has a clip or snaps into place.

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Re: Speedo cable

Post by RRoller123 »

Yep, my 80 has the clips, and then a final twist lock. A spin on knurl would be easier.
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Re: Speedo cable

Post by geospider »

I have the right one to put back in. Yes, it clips on the back and then has a sleeve that slides up to lock.
the other: clearly goes into the tranny.
the cable can slide out of the housing, and when it did, I did not pay attention to which side it slide from. But now, I will grease this. Now, one 1 end, there is a (lack of a better word) collar that holds it from just sliding back and forth (1 way in and out) It could seat on either end; any ideas which end.
Gonna call AR to see what the new ones in the bag might look like.
Not a lot of space around the brake booster and metal lines to thread this thing.

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Re: Speedo cable

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

Geo, I looked at that spare cable that I have, and only one end has this "collar". My vague recollection is that the collar end goes into the back of the speedometer, but I'd definitely check with AR on this.

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Re: Speedo cable

Post by tima01864 »

Where does the rubber grommet go shown in the picture?
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Re: Speedo cable

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

tima01864 wrote:Where does the rubber grommet go shown in the picture?
My guess is either in the firewall where the cable passes through, or as with my early Fiats, where the cable passes through a holding bracket on top of the steering column "box".

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Re: Speedo cable

Post by tima01864 »


Like mine it is on the transmission end, In between the sleeve on the cable. I was just under there and I could not find a place for it. The cable is retained on the tunnel by a plastic clip riveted to the transmission tunnel. I couldnt see any place for it to go??
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Re: Speedo cable

Post by geospider »

Lets clear a bunch of this up.
First, the new cable does not come with the grommet you see here and it was way down but the speedo gear/trans.


The collar I am talking about goes in the gauge end. Man the new one really snaps in place.
Called AR: helped in that the end that the longer part of the cable goes to the speedo: that would be the part with the collar.

All worked great except winding it all around the brake booster and metal brake lines; a bit of a pita: esp the firewall grommet.

All done and working. hint: if unsure if the cable is seated in the speedo gauge: attach to a drill and spin it in reverse; should see it register a speed.
Legal for now...I guess
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Re: Speedo cable

Post by geospider »

Sorry, here is the correct picture:

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Re: Speedo cable

Post by geospider »

once again: geez I suck at this. better stay with my day job...I really do that better. Human Mechanic...PT
the part with the collar goes the other way. took the pic before I switched it. And remember , some lithium grease.
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