Heater pipe

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:50 pm
Your car is a: 1981 Spider

Heater pipe

Post by rodo »

Had to replace the pipe from the heater core. On the hose side the new one does not have a rolled lip so as to hold the hose more effectively. Seems even when I tighten it pretty well it is still not as good a connection as one would wish. What do the rest of you do with these second rate pipes?
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Re: Heater pipe

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

If the rubber hose is in good shape and the correct size for the heater core pipe, you should be fine. Use a good hose clamp and make sure it's tight of course.

On a few Fiats that I've had, the end of the pipe was essentially rusted away, and so I used a hack saw to take off about a half inch of rotten pipe (which of course removed the lip) and then readjusted the hose length to match. I don't recall ever having a problem.

Posts: 364
Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:50 pm
Your car is a: 1981 Spider

Re: Heater pipe

Post by rodo »

Thanks a ton, Bryan.
Posts: 2130
Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:21 pm
Your car is a: 1978 124 Spider with Isuzu Turbo Diesel

Re: Heater pipe

Post by DieselSpider »

You can also do as they do in the boatyard and double clamp the hose being sure to orient the second clamp 180 degrees from the first whenever possible.
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