Removeable rear lower quarter panels stud snapped!

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Removeable rear lower quarter panels stud snapped!

Post by jeromegreenday »

Howdy everyone,

I removed the rear lower quarter panels, one came off fine, the other one the stud snapped in half!!!!
The bolt head seems fixed to the flange?! Is there a way of replacing these studs as I don't really want to get another panel as it's in good condition!
Thank you
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Re: Removeable rear lower quarter panels stud snapped!

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

This is the stud/nut that faces into the rear wheelwell, right? Breakage of this particular stud is pretty common on these cars, unfortunately. A few options:

1) Grind down the remainder of the stud and weld a new one into place. The problem here is that this would discolor your paint on the quarter panel and require repainting.
2) Grind down the remainder of the stud and use high strength epoxy to hold a new stud in place (or a bolt with the head glued to the quarter panel). There's not a lot of force on this stud, so this might work.
3) Here's what I would do: Clean up what remains of the stud as best you can, using a brass wire brush or the like. Take a small cylinder of metal, maybe 3/8" diameter and a 1/2" tall and drill and tap some threads right down through the center axis, with the threads being the same size/pitch as what was on the stud. Screw this cylinder down onto the remaining stud. Then, use a bolt and washer to screw through the mounting hole in the wheelwell and hold the quarter panel in place. You might have to play with the size of this metal cylinder to get it right. Another option would be to weld 2 nuts together that are of the same thread as the stud and use that.

Hope the above made sense!

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Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:21 pm
Your car is a: 1978 124 Spider with Isuzu Turbo Diesel

Re: Removeable rear lower quarter panels stud snapped!

Post by DieselSpider »

Drill it out and put a new bolt through the hole and either weld it or epoxy it to help keep it from spinning. Same thing can happen with the decorative rocker panels. Those small bolts oxidize and get brittle so your best off not trying to weld to the remnants of the old one as they can be as brittle as if they were made of glass.
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