Intake sensors?

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Intake sensors?

Post by HighLife »

Hello I am having a bit of difficulty figuring out my sensors - I have 2 - one on top of the intake (near my carb) and another below the intake (again near the carb). The top has no electrical connection - just 2 tubes that jut out? But it definitely connects to the water jacket inside the intake. When I search for this part I cannot locate it (partially cause I am not sure what it is - or what year - I am assuming 74 - but it is a bastard engine.

I don't have an image host - so I can post pics here - sorry.

Any help or direction would be appreciated - working without a manual at the moment.

Did FIAT have 2 different places for temp sensors? One set on the intake and then later (or earlier) on the top of the engine by the spark plugs? I have a bastard engine - so anything may be possible..
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Re: Intake sensors?

Post by blazingspider »

The 2 sensors in the head by the spark plugs are for coolant temp. One activates the temp gauge and one pegs the needle when overheating. The other 2 sensors you mention on the intake manifold were used for emissions but I can't remember what each one was for.
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