Firm Clutch

Maintenance advice to keep your Spider in shape.
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Firm Clutch

Post by aj81spider »

My clutch has recently started requiring more force to engage. The pedal goes down without excessive force, but it requires noticeably more force than it used to (it used to go down quite easily). I'm going to get under it this weekend to see what's going on, but any advice on things to look for?

1974 Fiat 124 Spider
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Re: Firm Clutch

Post by seabeelt »

Cable starting to go? Throw out bearing? Weak fire wall?
Michael and Deborah Williamson
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Re: Firm Clutch

Post by bobplyler »

Also check the pivot point. It's inside the bellhousing.
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Re: Firm Clutch

Post by aj81spider »

After some delays due to work, vacation and procrastination I looked at the suggestions on this and it appears that the clutch arm has slipped off the pivot point (thanks Bob!).

Now the question of the day is how I get it back on without pulling the transmission. Is that possible? I fiddled with it for a while with no results so thought I would poll the brain trust to see if there is some technique that I'm missing.

Thanks for any help you can provide - having to drop the transmission will cause more procrastination!

1974 Fiat 124 Spider
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Re: Firm Clutch

Post by bobplyler »

It's possible to get it back on the pivot without removing the bellhousing, but I did it over 20 years ago, and don't remember the details.
1979 Fiat Spider (since new)
2005 Lincoln LS (the wife's car)
2003 Chevrolet Cavalier (daily driver)
1999 Honda Shadow VLX 600
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Re: Firm Clutch

Post by aj81spider »

To close the loop on this it turned out to be pretty easy to get the arm back on once I knew how it went. There is an old post where narfire posted some pictures. I'd link over to that thread, but the pictures are on Photobucket so you can't see them. With apologies I copied them and show them below.

Once you can visualize the connection it's pretty quick to get it back on.



1974 Fiat 124 Spider
2006 Corvette
1981 Spider 2000 (sold 2013 - never should have sold that car)
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