well hopefully someone will still check this thread, I know its been a while an I do apologize.
There has been some progress. I had checked the idle solenoid before and I did get a click when connecting the wire. So after learning how easy they clog I took it out and cleaned it. Didn't realize just how easy that was.
After putting it back it I decided to check that it was working again just to make sure since it's been a while since I checked it before. This time I got nothin out of it. Had my pops come over and he monkeyed with it a bit and turns out something is loose in the solenoid itself and if you put some pressure on the end where the wire connects the darn thing works all a sudden.
So we got it running again, made my adjustments and she has just about a perfect purr.

So I decide to take it down the road and see if it drives well.... NOPE

Still looses power and sounds like it back fires once I hit 2500 or I really push the peddle down.
The backfire sounds like it's under the hood, not the exhaust. Not sure if that helps. Also did check the plugs and they're covered in soot still. I believe our little hillbilly rig works and that there's pressure on the end of the solenoid, but I'm not positive it really works while driving or that the solenoid isn't simply shot.
I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna go ahead and order a new solenoid, was just looking for some feedback. Is this a typical symptom of a bad solenoid?
Here's a pic of our setup

Sorry it's at a weird angle, tried fixing.